Who We Are
Zymonetics is a Canadian Accountable Care Organization (ACO) delivering best-in-class biotech, medtech, psytech and continued care models for partner clinics, insurance companies, employers, and our research teams.
As a J.E.D.I. company, justice, equity, diversity and inclusion guide our principles in medicine, research and education.
Our professional education is certified by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) for medical practitioners, insurance companies, clinic owners, human resources departments, biotech researchers, and educators.

Tesla La Touche
Chief Executive Officer
Chief & Executive Roles within insurance, finance, orthopaedics, biotech, regenerative medicine, and health equity.
Previous roles with Smith & Nephew Orthopaedics, Johnson & Johnson, Aptitude & Equipment, Wave Manufacturing, Q-Med and Wells Fargo.
Aligning industries to create comprehensive care solutions with outcome-based incentives to maximize industry and partner efficacy, including clientele's pathways to wellness.
What We Do
We build compensation equity across markets in healthcare. We offer access to biotech, regenerative systems for recovery backed by clinical research, and a full suite of functional medicine solutions for partners' capacity to maximize profit, and for patients to optimize their health.
We provide our partners with clinic development supports, SaaS for continued patient care, and a fully reimbursed education platform for all levels of employees, clinicians and partners.
Using the UCEED³ Model, the User Centric Embodied Education Designation, Design & Delivery integration allows health education, progress monitoring and seamless virtual and clinical care for clients.
Our partners' patients gain continued biotech, paramedical and psychedelic care options through our preferred partner networks (PPN) across the country.

Partners for a New Standard of Care
Adopting The UCEED³ Model

Enrol, enlist employees, patients as clients and experience compensation equity within medical market while creating pathways of wellness and measureable outcomes.

In the biotech, medtech, functional medicine, preventative health, and psychedelic mental health spheres, our research partners inform practitioners, clinics, insurance companies, employers and clients.

Enrol staff in reimbursed education on Prescribed Prevention model that supports national, provincial, and privately insured preferred partner clinics.

Employees gain access to Prescribed Prevention Performance reducing expenditures in insurance, lost-time and productivity. HR staff are trained in the model, Zymonetics clinic models can be adopted within the corporate environment.

Educators participate in the new standard of care accountability model for their own well-being and to advocate for Prescribed Prevention Performance for their colleagues, communities and family and friends. Educators access Zymonetics Prescribed training model and access best-in-class biotech in the Preferred Partner Network (PPN).

The best-in-class approach includes the prime technologies that pro-athletes use to recover, that support epigenetics and where natural human processes are supported with ease and promotion.
Zymonetics Prescribed Prevention includes
Corporate Preventative Performance Benefits
A Comprehensive Approach
We combine physician managed care with best-in-class technology, lifestyle and health coaching partners; consciously integrating digital healthcare, regenerative design and group benefits services.
Our research driven template maximizes employee performance. Our services are designed to tackle even the most complex health problems while minimizing insurance expenditures and accessing government funding.
Precision Personalized Health Plans
Navigation Specialists
Achieving optimal health and performance needs to be accessible, progressive and adaptive. A value-add API integration approach means accessing personalized healthcare clinically, at home and work is possible.
We accommodate your practitioner and patient needs with SaaS, integrated customer apps, and digital health plans for your clients. Custom designed environments with technologies and services that support the body’s natural regenerative capabilities are a key focus for assisting clients.
Performance Spaces Concept Design
Regenerative Design
Clinic space is paramount. Custom design, engineering, patient flow and access are factored into the Zymonetics Regenerative Design Process. We use whole systems thinking to create resilient and equitable environments for medtech, biotech and psytech to reach a net-positive impact for clinics and clients.
This specific service is designed to analyze, confront, and solve client’s regenerative environment and space needs. We provide customized concept development solutions to all of our clients.
"At 56 with heart conditions, diabetes, and severe nerve pain, I thought the rest of my life was going to be about popping pills and visiting the hospital. The Zymonetics Program has changed my life. I have lost 42 lbs, feel amazing, and am in the best shape of my life. Zymonetics has provided me with the life altering solutions I have been looking for.”
Brad Sinclair, Turning Point Technologies
“The evaluations generate valuable market, clinical research, health economic benefit evidence for technology vendors. At the same time, they improve individual and community health outcomes with cost reduction for participants and health system managers.”
John Soloninka, PEng, MBA
“I tore my ACL and damaged the meniscus in my knee. After surgey I was told I would be at least 8 weeks to walk and 16 months before I get back my active mobility. After 6 weeks of the Zymonetics program was comfortable walking and after only 10 weeks I had back my full range of motion and mobility. The program greatly accelerated my healing progress and greatly reduced pain throughout the recovery.”
Elliott Spina, Quantum Biofeedback